This is a little twist on things that i've been working on.

Why have the same family portrait as everyone else when you can have a 360 ?

This is an even further spin on things 

This clock i had printed onto an acrylic disk and is completely unique.

Another family portrait. 
They can be printed on acrylic or canvas.

I charge £250 for a building or a big family
This includes
your image printed 
on a 50cm x 50cm
plus the image on disk.

This was also printed onto acrylic and mounted on a swivel disk so when it's on the wall it can be spun round , again totally unique.

The clocks are 12" in diameter 

I charge £200 for the clock
printed on a 12"acrylic disk.
I'd also do a clone 360 at the same time,
you'd get both of these images on CD.

I'd also do a few other family shots 
at the same time to make the day really worth while.

Basically I've been working on this as a hobby
 for that last few years
but now i really wont to push it
 commercially and get 
my art out there for people.

So if you are interested or have any other queries please get in touch
